SECTION 1 - Definitions

" General Conditions ": these General Conditions of Use
" Parties" : the Owner or the User;
" Owner ": the limited company ARCTURUS GROUP, whose registered office is located at Rue de Trèves 55-57, 1040 Brussels, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number
" Website ": the website and its content belonging to the Owner and available at the following url address:
" User": any individual or legal entity, whether or not registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises or an equivalent foreign registry, who consults the Website, downloads files, uses them, registers via any form available on the Website, and or contracts with the Owner in this way.

SECTION 2 - Acceptance of Terms of Use

By visiting the Website, the User accepts the Terms and Conditions. The Web Owner reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of the Terms and Conditions from time to time as necessary. The updated version will be posted on the Website and will be dated so that the User knows when the Terms and Conditions were updated. Continued use of the Website after such changes confirms the User's consent to such changes.

SECTION 3 - Information Objectives

The information on the Web Site has been prepared specifically to provide information about the Owner's consulting activities. The User will be able to learn about the range of services offered by the Owner and contact the Owner if the provision of a particular service is desired.

SECTION 4 - Links to Third Party Sites

The Website may contain hyperlinks to other sites or resources. Use of these hyperlinks is at the User's own risk. The content, accuracy, opinions expressed, and other links provided on these sites are not investigated, verified, monitored, or endorsed by the Owner. The Web Owner assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, content, security, availability or omission of information found on these sites.

SECTION 5 - Third Party Links

No User of a third party website is permitted to embed and use elements from the Website or use any other technique that alters the visual presentation or appearance of the Website to Users.

SECTION 6 - Limitation of Owner's Liability

6.1. The Owner also does not guarantee the compatibility of the files that are part of or appear on the Web Site with the User's equipment, nor does it guarantee the accessibility of these elements.

6.2. The User shall also hold the Owner harmless from any claim, in any of the following cases:

- Loss of opportunity or revenue of any kind due to the operation or non-operation, or use or lack of use of the Web Site, or the content therein or to be found therein;
- Illegal or unauthorized intrusion of any third party into the web server or the Website of the Owner;
- Introduction of a computer virus into the web server or the Website;
- Temporary congestion of the bandwidth;
- Interruption of the internet connection service for a cause beyond the control of the Owner.

6.3. The User acknowledges and accepts:

- The restrictions and risks associated with the use of the internet or any other means by which the Website is currently or will in the future be made available;
- The risks of storing and transmitting information by electronic or digital means;
- The fact that the Owner cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of the Website (as well as all or part of its content) or the internet, as a result of the above risks;
- The fact that the electronic communications exchanged and the backups made by the Owner can be used as evidence;
- Although the Owner makes every effort to keep the Website free of bugs, viruses, Trojan horses and spyware, these cannot be excluded.

6.1. The Owner cannot be held responsible for any damage and/or loss that may result, especially with regard to Users' data. Users are therefore strongly advised to install the necessary firewalls, anti-virus software and other protective software in order to protect their computer equipment from any damage, and to be cautious when communicating personal data.
As soon as the damage is discovered, it is up to the User to limit the amount of damage by taking the appropriate measures.

6.5. With regard to messages from third parties, the Owner cannot be held responsible in any way for any damage resulting from them, nor for any errors in their content. All texts, data, photos, videos, messages or other materials placed in these messages are the exclusive responsibility of the person who posted them.

SECTION 7 - Prohibitions on User's Use of the Website

7.1. Dans le cadre de l’accès de l’Utilisateur au Site Web, celui-ci s’interdit expressément, de quelque manière que ce soit et quels que soient les moyens techniques utilisés, de :

-       Tenter de se procurer l’accès à des parties du Site Web qui ne sont pasdsponibles pour les non-administrateurs du Site Web ;
-       Poser un quelconque acte qui, à un quelconque moment, pourrait compromettre le bon fonctionnement du Site Web, de quelque manière que ce soit ;
-       Utiliser quelque système (automatique) que ce soit, tel que, sans que cette liste soit limitative, des « robots », « spiders», « offlines readers », etc., ayant pour but de créer : (1) des attaques par          déni de service (notamment, mais sans s’y limiter, les DoS réseau, Dos applicatives, DDoS réseau, en ce compris les DrDOS, ou encore les DDoSapplicatives) ; (2) des messages permettant          d’influencer les questions et requêtes, les réponses et participations à des concours, les votes, ou encore sur toute interaction avec un autre Utilisateur du Site Web, même lorsque          l’Utilisateur réagit à une requête formulée sur le Site Web (par exemple une participation à un concours) ;
-       Lire les contenus des autres Utilisateurs de manière systématique dans le but d’utiliser ces données en dehors du Site Web ;
-       Recourir à des programmes permettant la lecture automatique de données(par exemple : « crawler ») ;
-       Afficher, télécharger, envoyer, transmettre par courriel ou de toute autre manière tout contenu qui soit illégal, nuisible, menaçant, constitutif de harcèlement, abusif, diffamatoire, vulgaire,          obscène, menaçant pour la vie privée d’autrui, haineux, raciste, ou autrement répréhensible ;
-       Consulter, afficher, télécharger, envoyer, transmettre, tout contenu qui serait contraire aux lois en vigueur ;
-       Tenter d’induire en erreur d’autres utilisateurs en usurpant le nom ou la dénomination sociale d’autres personnes ;
-       Télécharger, afficher, envoyer, transmettre par courriel ou de toute autre manière tout contenu protégé, que ce soit par un brevet, une marque déposée, un secret de fabrication, un droit          d’auteur, tout autre droit de propriété intellectuelle ou tout autre droit de propriété généralement quelconque appartenant à autrui ;
-       Télécharger, afficher, transmettre par courriel ou de toute autre manière tout contenu comprenant des virus informatiques ou tout autre code, dossier ou programme conçus pour          interrompre, détruire, entraver, perturber, ou limiter la fonctionnalité de tout logiciel, ordinateur, service, serveur, réseau ou outil de télécommunication sans que cette énumération soit          limitative ;
-       Commettre toute action ayant un effet perturbateur entravant la capacité d’autres utilisateurs d’accéder au Site Web ;
-       Refuser de se conformer aux conditions requises, aux procédures, aux règles générales ou aux dispositions réglementaires applicables aux réseaux connectés au Site Web ;
-       User de manière non autorisée son identifiant et/ou de son mot de passe, ainsi que de l’identifiant et/ou du mot de passe d’un autre Utilisateur. 

7.2. Il est en outre strictement interdit à l’Utilisateur, qui ne peut par ailleurs accorder l’autorisation à autrui, de :

-      Modifier, reproduire, copier, emprunter, distribuer tout ou partie du Site Web ou de son contenu ;
-      Créer des œuvres dérivées basées en tout ou en partie sur les éléments présents sur le Site Web ;
-      Inverser la conception ou l’assemblage ou de toute autre manière tenter de trouver le code source de tout ou partie du Site Web ;
-      Créer un lien hypertexte vers ou depuis le Site Web, sans l’accord préalable et expresse du Propriétaire ;
-      Sous-licencier ou transférer de quelque manière que ce soit tout droitafférent au Site Web et/ou à son contenu, y compris mais sans s’y limiter, toutdroit relatif au logiciel. 

7.3. En cas de comportement ou d’acte contraire aux points visés ci-dessus, l’Utilisateur en informe immédiatement le Propriétaire via l’adresse de courriel de contact du Propriétaire :  

7.4.  Le cas échéant, le Propriétaire se réserve le droit, sans justification ni indemnité, de retirer ou de modifier tout contenu qualifiable d’obscène, malveillant, contraire aux bonnes mœurs,          dommageable à son égard, celui de ses partenaires, ou d’autres Utilisateurs.

SECTION 8 - Intellectual Property

8.1. The images, logos and other signs displayed on the Website are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights. The Website Owner owns the intellectual property rights in the Website, except for those elements protected by intellectual property rights belonging to third parties but which the Website Owner uses under the express authorization of those owners or under a general authorization scheme allowing it to use them without the express authorization of those owners.

8.2. The use of the Website by the User does not grant him/her any license or right to use, reproduce or appropriate the protected elements other than the rights recognized by the General Conditions or the law. Therefore, copying and quoting of all or part of the Web Site must not cause any prejudice to the Owner and is subject to the following conditions:
(1) The copy or quote may only be used for strictly personal and non-commercial purposes;
(2) Copies or derivative works must contain all copyright or other intellectual property rights notices contained in the Web Site; and,

8.3. Material provided on the Website may not be reproduced, displayed, published, distributed, broadcast or transmitted to third parties by any means, including through the use of another website and third party mobile applications, without the prior written consent of the Owner.

SECTION 9 - Changes and Suspension of the Website

The Web Owner reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify or discontinue the Web Site at any time.

SECTION 10 - Final Provisions

10.1. No waiver of any rightNo exercise of any right under the Terms and Conditions or acquiescence in any performance or breach of any provision thereof shall be deemed a final waiver of such right or remedy.

10.2. Invalidity of a provision If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is invalid or contrary to a mandatory provision or a provision of public policy, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of the Terms and Conditions. The Parties undertake to use their best efforts to replace the invalid or contrary provision with a valid and compliant provision that achieves the same objectives as the one declared invalid or contrary to a mandatory provision or a provision of public order.

10.3 Interpretation The headings and subheadings used in the General Terms and Conditions are for reference and convenience only. They do not affect the meaning or scope of the provisions they refer to. The General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with general law.

10.4. Applicable lawThe Parties explicitly acknowledge that only Belgian law governs the relationship between the Owner and the User and, consequently, the General Conditions.

10.5. Dispute Any dispute between the Parties shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the judicial district of Brussels.

The terms and conditions of use were last updated on 07/11/2022.

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